Monday, October 12, 2015

Welcome Explorers!

My dear fellow readers (or as I like to call us EXPLORERS!),
This blog is my outlet to review, comment and rate books that I have read. I've found that writing about the books I have read tends to help me relive the amazing stories and ideas that I have found. As such, I can't just keep these exciting tales to myself! I want to share them with others, and have others share their stories with me.

I have loved reading ever since I was a kid and now that I am older, I've enjoyed sharing what I have read almost as much as I do reading it! I've found so many different worlds and cultures right from the comfort my own bed that I can't just keep quiet about them. Books are our way of learning and growing, stretching our imagination and soaring among the stars even when we feel small and insignificant. Reading has helped me escape the tragedies and trials of my personal world and have given me hope in a future that at the time did not seem very bright.

In my readings, I have come across an issue that maybe some of you have encountered as well. Some of the books I started to read as a child dealt with subjects that weren't all that appropriate for my age. I was blessed to have an excellent older sister who reviewed the books for me and gave me only the ones that she believed would be on my level of understanding. Since then I have strove to do the same for my future children, nieces and nephews. With this blog I hope to record that information for future reference and perhaps share it with other current or future parents desiring to help their children read books that are appropriate for their own learning.

The rating system I will use will be similar to the one used for current movie and tv ratings. I will include a description of the book, a review and a list of the subjects matter that is touched on in the book. I will not read anything that I find inappropriate for myself, however, if I begin reading a book and stop in the middle because of inappropriate content, I will list this in my review.

I hope that this helps you my fellow explorers! I welcome constructive criticism and comments on these reviews as well as your own reviews of books you would like to see posted on this blog! If you have any suggestions of books to read, or any comments on the blog in general, please submit them through the contact form on the right!

Thanks again for exploring with me!

DeAnna S.